英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:00:36

in the raw

英 [in ðə rɔ:]

美 [ɪn ði rɔ]

处在自然状态的; 未加工的; 裸体的
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1. (used informally) completely unclothed

Synonym: bare-assedbare-assin the altogetherin the buffrawpeelednaked as a jaybirdstark naked

1. 处于自然状态:in the proper sense 在本来意义上 | in the raw 处于自然状态 | in the region of 在附近

2. 赤身裸体:in the lime light 出风光 | in the raw 赤身裸体 | in the throes of death 受痛苦而死


3. 自然状态的,未加工的;裸体的:in the open 在露天,在户外,在野外; | in the raw 自然状态的,未加工的;裸体的 | in the red 负债,亏欠,出现赤字

4. 处在自然状态的;裸体的:2641in the open在户外,在野外 | 2642in the raw处在自然状态的;裸体的 | 2643in the red负债;亏空;赤字

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TQLZ series vibrating cleaning sieve is suitable for the rice plant, flour plant. feedstuff plant and the other plant to remove the impurity mixed in the raw material.(本机主要用于大米、面粉、饲料、油脂、食品和化工等工厂,设置在清理工序,用来清除原料中的大、中、小和轻杂质;)
In the raw winter months, Mark began suffering increasingly severe bouts of bronchitis, and each illness triggered episodes of heart failure.(在接下来的冬季里,马克开始遭受日益严重的支气管炎的病痛,而且每次生病都会诱发心脏衰竭。)
Noise in the raw acquired data of liquid propellant rocket engine test can reduce accuracy and creditability of the data.(液体火箭发动机试验的原始测量数据中存在着噪声,影响了数据的准确性和可信性。)
Due to the deficiency of cancer cells, character of patient and noise in the raw data, it is very difficult to diagnose early cancer accurately.(在早期癌症诊断中,由于存在癌细胞缺乏、病人个体的特异性和数据本身的噪声等因素的影响,要进行非常准确的诊断是困难的。)
Objective: to quantify bacterial endotoxin in the raw materials of tobramycin for injection by dynamic turbidimetric Limuius test.(目的:应用动态浊度法鲎试验定量测定妥布霉素原料药中细菌内毒素。)
The difference in lignin varieties, contents and components in the raw materials has a direct influence on the economy and degree of pollution of pulping.(原料中木质素的种类、含量与组成不同,直接影响制浆的经济性和污染程度。)
The main obstacle in biodiesel application is from the production cost, especially in the raw material supply and complex production processes.(目前制约生物柴油商业化大批量生产的瓶颈问题是其生产成本高,包括原料成本高,制备工艺路线复杂。)
It has been shown that: as fine particle is increased in the raw material, drop number of green ball is increased and shock temperature is decreased.(研究表明:随着粒度组成的细粒级部分的增多,生球落下强度呈上升趋势,生球爆裂温度呈下降趋势。)
The sudden glut in the raw material to make solar panels coincided with a drop in orders from European companies hit by the recession.(在太阳能板原材料的供应突然过剩的同时,来自受到衰退冲击的欧洲企业的订单减少。)
You will often find that you will need to apply an analytical technique to an exhibit in order to benefit from the information in the raw data.(你通常将发现你需要对一个资料使用分析的技巧,以从中找出有用的资讯。)
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